Product liability and dangerous products cases are legal cases that come up quite often in all states. In fact, product liability cases account for a large portion of the personal injury cases that people file. Product liability cases generally have large settlements because the injuries and illnesses are so grave for the victims. Such cases sometimes end with settlements for millions of dollars. Many product liability cases involve more than one person, as well. A company’s product can harm the masses if the company refuses to fix the stated problem with a recall or revamp. The following contains information on product liability and dangerous products.
What Is Product Liability?
The term product liability means that a manufacturer is responsible for every product that it makes. The company is liable for any injury or illness that occurs because of a product that it manufactures. Dangerous products are products that pose an injury to consumers. Any of the following products could be seen as dangerous products:
- Toys
- Vehicles
- Beauty items
- Pharmaceuticals
The Responsibility of a Product Manufacturer
The laws require manufacturers to protect the best interests of the consumers in any way possible. The responsibility includes performing tests that protect buyers from potential dangers. A vehicle manufacturer has to run safety tests to ensure that its consumers have the maximum level of safety when they operate the vehicles. The vehicle manufacturer will need to build the vehicles with the most durable and reliable parts, as well. Failure to do so could result in a report of neglect and a lawsuit if the manufacturer does not recall the defective vehicles.
A toy manufacturer must notate any dangers that the toys may impose to a consumer. For example, some toys can be a danger to children because of the choking risk. In such a case, the manufacturer must place a warning label on the product that specifies the dangers of using it. The manufacturer will want to place an age indication label on the product, as well. Such a label will tell people that small children should not play with the toy because of the risk.
Pharmaceutical companies are subjected to constant lawsuits because they do not follow protocol. A pharmaceutical company must comply with the laws by conducting extensive research. The research helps the company to report the risks and the adverse reactions that may occur from the use of the medication. Pharmaceutical companies must make sure consumers are aware of any dangers that a drug has and any adverse reactions that mixing the drugs can cause. Omission is usually the grounds for personal injury cases against pharmaceutical companies. Consumers develop severe illnesses of which they received no training or knowledge from the medication manufacturer.
Contacting a Personal Injury Attorney
A personal injury attorney can review the case and determine its validity. To win the case, the injured party will have to have proof of the illness or injury. The person can prove the illness or injury quite easily with a doctor’s records. Next, the attorney can help to establish neglect and fault. The attorney can use a variety of strategies to show the fault of the product manufacturer. An injured party can schedule a worry-free consultation today.